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Making Friends Abroad - How You Quickly Meet New People

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Making Friends Abroad - How You Quickly Meet New People

Moving to a new country is an exciting adventure that comes with some challenges, especially the difficulty of making new friends in an unfamiliar environment. Building meaningful relationships abroad is essential to your well-being and will help integrate you into the local culture. In this comprehensive guide, you'll find effective strategies and tips for making friends and building a strong social network abroad, no matter where you are in the world.

Understanding the Importance of Building Connections Abroad

Making friends abroad isn't just about finding people to hang out with, it's also about building a support system in your new environment. Making these connections can greatly improve your mental health, strengthen your sense of belonging and enrich your overall experience. The connections you make can also lead to professional opportunities, cultural exchanges and long-term friendships that cross borders.

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How to Start: Immerse Yourself in the Local Culture

One of the most effective ways to meet new people is by immersing yourself in the local culture. Here’s how you can do it:

Learn the Local Language

  • Language Courses: Take part in language courses to get to know locals and other expatriates. This not only improves your communication skills but also shows your willingness to adapt to the new culture.

  • Language Exchange Programs: Take part in language exchange programmes where you can teach your native language and learn the local language in return.

Participate in Local Events and Festivals

  • Cultural Festivals: Visit local festivals, fairs and events. These events are a good opportunity to meet people who share your interests.

  • Community Activities: Join local clubs, sports teams or hobby groups. By taking part in community activities, you will come into regular contact with other people and can socialise more easily.

Leveraging Technology: Digital Tools for Making Friends Abroad

In today's digital age, technology plays a significant role when it comes to connecting people. This goes beyond the typical dating apps. Here are some digital tools you can use to expand your social network:

Social Media Platforms

  • Facebook Groups: Join expatriate and local community groups on Facebook. These groups are often active with discussions, events, and meetups specifically for newcomers.

  • Instagram and Twitter: Engage with locals and other expats by following relevant hashtags or joining local interest groups.

  • WhatsApp Groups: Join Erasmus and newcomer communities to connect with others in your area

Friendship and Networking Apps

  • Meetup: Use Meetup to find events and groups that are tailored to your interests. From hiking groups to book clubs, Meetup offers countless opportunities to meet like-minded people.

  • Bumble BFF and Tinder Social: These apps are not just for dating. With Bumble BFF and Tinder Social, you can find friends in your neighbourhood, making it easier to connect with people who have similar interests.

Expatriate Forums and Websites

  • InterNations: A global network for expatriates, InterNations hosts events and forums where you can meet fellow expats and locals.

  • Couchsurfing: Beyond offering a place to stay, Couchsurfing has a vibrant community of travellers and locals who regularly organise events.

In-Person Strategies: Making the Most of Face-to-Face Interactions

Digital tools are helpful, but nothing replaces the value of personal contact. Find out how you can make the most of it:

Attend Networking Events

  • Professional Networking: Attend industry-specific conferences, seminars or networking events. These are not only important for career advancement, but also for meeting professionals with a similar background.

  • Local Workshops: Attend workshops related to your hobbies or professional skills. These events often attract people who are passionate about the same things you are, creating a natural environment to make friends.


  • Community Service: Volunteer for local charities or community projects. Volunteering is a great way to meet people who are committed to the community and it gives you a sense of purpose.

  • Local Schools or NGOs: Offer your skills to local schools or non-governmental organisations. Whether you teach, mentor or help with administrative tasks, your involvement will help you integrate into the local community.

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Maintaining and Nurturing New Friendships

Once you have made new contacts, it is important to maintain and nurture these friendships so that they grow over time.

Regular Communication

  • Stay in Touch: Use messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, or WeChat to stay in regular contact with your new friends. Regular communication is key to maintaining strong relationships.

  • Plan Regular Meetups: Whether it’s a coffee catch-up, a weekend hike, or a movie night, regular meetups help strengthen your bond with new friends.

Be Open and Adaptable

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Be mindful of cultural differences and be open to learning from them. Respecting local customs and traditions is crucial in building lasting friendships.

  • Adapt to Social Norms: Each culture has its own social norms and etiquette. Observe and adapt to these norms to avoid misunderstandings and foster closer connections.

Overcoming Common Challenges in Making Friends Abroad

Making friends abroad comes with its own set of challenges. Understanding these obstacles and knowing how to overcome them can make the process smoother.

Language Barriers

  • Overcoming Language Differences: Even with language barriers, non-verbal communication such as gestures, expressions, and body language can help bridge the gap. Additionally, using translation apps can facilitate basic communication until your language skills improve.

Cultural Differences

  • Embrace Cultural Exchange: Instead of seeing cultural differences as obstacles, view them as opportunities to learn and grow. Share your own culture while being open to learning about theirs.

Homesickness and Loneliness

  • Stay Connected with Home: While building a new social network is important, staying in touch with friends and family back home can provide comfort and reduce feelings of homesickness.

  • Seek Professional Support: If feelings of loneliness persist, consider seeking help from a therapist or counsellor who specializes in expatriate issues.

A Place Is Only As Good As The People In It

Building a strong social network abroad is a journey that requires effort, openness and patience. By immersing yourself in the local culture, utilising digital tools and making the most of face-to-face encounters, you can make meaningful connections that will enrich your experience abroad. Remember that the friendships you make can last a lifetime and provide you with a global network of support and companionship.

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