6 International Job Search Hacks That You Wish You Knew Last Year
You've probably already heard all about how the job market is changing, and how companies are hiring more international talents than ever before. Many job seekers though don’t know that this trend is happening globally. That means there are more opportunities for everyone—whether they're looking for work or trying to recruit employees—and you need to start thinking like an international job seeker if you want to be able to compete in today's marketplace.
Intern Abroad
An internship is an opportunity for you to gain experience, network, and learn about the culture of your host country. It’s also a great way to get your foot in the door when it comes time for you to look for work there. If you have time off from school, or if summer break is coming up soon, think about doing an internship as part of your job search strategy! Feel free to have a look at our available internship positions here.
Get On The Radar Of International Recruiters Through Online Job Portals
How do you get on the radar of international recruiters? The answer is simple: through online job portals.
Online job portals are one of the best ways to get your resume in front of international recruiters and make them aware that you exist. There are plenty of different sites out there, but here are a few options to consider:
LinkedIn - This is probably the most popular option for finding work overseas, with more than half a billion registered users worldwide.
Indeed - This site has nearly 200 million unique visitors per month from around the world (and it's free). It's also worth noting that Indeed offers an easy-to-use search bar for finding jobs based on industry (e.g., IT or healthcare), location (e.g., Barcelona) and salary range (e.g., $50k+). You can even filter by full-time/part-time status or whether your desired position requires any certifications like CPA or CFA! 3.) Glassdoor - Glassdoor allows employers from across industries (including tech companies like Amazon) post their vacancies publicly so they can reach potential candidates who might not have been aware they were looking yet!
Make Your Resume Speak For Itself
If a resume is a marketing document, then you want it to be as compelling as possible. If you’re like most people, your resume has probably been around the block. It’s definitely seen better days, but there’s no need to completely overhaul an old-timer like this. Instead, try these simple tricks to make your old resume new again:
One page only! This is really important—the shorter the better. Recruiters and hiring managers have very little time or patience for anything that isn't quick and easy to read; you don't want them scrolling for ages in search of something useful about you or getting distracted by long blocks of text with no subheadings or bullet points that summarize what's important about each section (what are your skills? What have been some of your major achievements?).
Bullet points! Each section should start with a bullet point describing what type of job/role this position is (i.e., "Web Developer," "Marketing Coordinator"). This helps potential employers quickly see what specific skills are important for their needs without having to read every single word on the page (again: they're busy!). Also consider using headers such as "Education" instead if relevant--this makes it easier for recruiters who may not be familiar with your industry jargon (like "DevOps Engineer").
Don't use acronyms unless they're universally understood terms—this means avoid things like DNS/DNSO if possible because even though they might be common within IT circles online communities aren't necessarily going give them any context other than making people think twice before hiring someone who uses such confusing terminology without explaining its meaning first!
Research Your Company And Role
Research the company. Before you even think about submitting an application, make sure you know everything about the company. Every company has their own culture, history, and style—and that's something worth knowing before a potential employer sees how much of a cultural fit you are.
Research the role. If there is one thing we have learned over time in this industry, it’s that every job is different from the next and no one takes on responsibilities exactly like anyone else at their companies (or even within their same roles). So while researching your role may seem like common sense for most applicants—it often doesn't happen as often as it should in today's job market.
Research the city/culture/people/benefits/challenges/salary/perks of where you want to work!

Network Like A Pro
Networking is a powerful tool for any job seeker, but it's even more useful when you're looking outside of your home country.
To begin networking, first identify the people in your industry and at your dream companies that you'd like to connect with. Next, consider how you can make those connections happen—will they be receptive to an email? Do they have LinkedIn profiles? Are there conferences where the two of you might meet up? It's important to think about this before trying anything else because it's easy for job seekers (especially those who speak English as a second language) to get rejected or ignored right out of the gate if they don't take some basic steps first. Once you've done some research into how best to approach people at large companies or on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter, then contact them! If you are interested in how to get job by Networking and wanna learn more you can read our full blog about this topic here.
Build your plan around your priorities.
I know, I know. You're already thinking: "I don't have time to figure that out." But trust me, if you want to make progress on your job search, you'll need to do so. The reason is because when you are clear about what matters most—and why—it helps guide all of your decision-making, which results in a more efficient and effective overall strategy.
Once you've identified these priorities and goals, build them into the plan of action (POA) or schedule that follow(s). This can be done using any one of several tools: paper, pen and pencil; online tools like Trello or Basecamp; or even old-school whiteboard sessions with sticky notes!
If you’re looking for a job in international business, we hope this article has given you some new ideas about how to make your search more effective. Remember that there are many different ways to find the right role and company, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different approaches before deciding on one strategy. If all else fails, remember that networking is an important part of every job search!
Read More About This:
5 Tips To Make Your International Job Application Stand Out
Best Places to Move Abroad in Europe: How to Choose?
High Demand Jobs in Spain and How To Find One.